High financial performance investment property

NDIS-SDA Property Investment


A new way of providing support to Australians living with a disability, their families, and carers.

The NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) provides specialised support for people under 65 that are living with a permanent and significant disability.

It is the aim of the NDIS to help people living with a disability achieve their personal goals including independence, community involvement, education, health, and well-being. 

NDIS is a collaboration between the Australian Government and all State and Territory Governments and is managed by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA).


An introduction to NDIS-SDA Housing

SDA housing is funded by the NDIS to provide 'participants' with a choice of homes that meets their specific needs, situation, and lifestyle.

An NDIS 'Plan' is established for participants which is designed to meet their specific needs. The NDIS Plan includes a diverse range of support services. Housing is covered within the NDIS Plan through SDA (Specialised Disability Housing).

The NDIS provides housing payments for people with disabilities who need housing designed to maximise their independence and choice. This housing payment, as well as the bricks-and-mortar dwelling, is called SDA (Specialised Disability Accommodation) and is separate from the care and health services provided under the participant's NDIS plan.

SDA is housing that has been specially designed to suit the needs of people with a disability who have an ‘extreme functional impairment’ or ‘very high support needs’. The specialised features of an SDA property are intended to support the resident(s) to live as independently as possible and in so doing reduce their lifetime support costs.

SDA payment amounts are determined by NDIA based on a number of factors including:

  • Location
  • Property type
  • Design Category
  • Facilities in the home
  • The number of participants residing in the home

SDA pricing is defined in the SDA Price Guide which specifies SDA payments for specific locations and properties. 


Increased SDA Pricing Approved 

The new 2023-24 SDA Pricing Guide has increased payments across many categories to better reflect property acquisition and operating costs. Significant increases in lower-level SDA Categories provide more incentive for investors to provide accommodation to meet the requirements of these participants. 

Within the NDIS, SDA payments have been budgeted at $700 million p.a. (indexed annually) for 20 years. In the year to March 2023, a total of $228 million was paid to SDA providers which is well short of the $700m allocation. The increased SDA pricing is a positive move to fully support housing funding for people living with a disability. This provides a high level of certainty and confidence to both participants and investors.


SDA Homes are a cost-effective solution.

SDA Homes is an important part of the bigger NDIS picture but represents just 0.7% of total NDIS expenditure.

Alternative, less suitable, and respectful accommodation costs are 10 to 20 times more than SDA funding so the program represents real value to Government and provides a purpose-built home for people living with a disability.



NDIS-SDA Homes. Government-backed for 20 years. Indexed annually. 


Participant Focus

Clear focus on the needs of the customer - Participants.

The NDIA and leading professionals and organisations in the SDA sector worked closely together to raise standards and adopt a continuous improvement program with the SDA Innovation Plan that focuses on the participant, the customer of the program. This commitment drives a requirement for developers and builders supplying homes into the SDA pool to also have a focus on the participant and a commitment to continuous improvement. 

Participants want choice. They want to be able to choose where they live, how they live, and who they live with. Traditionally, choice has not been on offer for people with disabilities and specialist support needs. It has been a matter of taking whatever is available. Thankfully, with NDIS-SDA homes rolling out, that is starting to change.

As the supply of NDIS-SDA homes increases, participants will have more choices. Homes that are more amenable to the specific needs of participants will be more sought-after and deliver higher returns and mitigate risk for investors. It is therefore imperative that new NDIS-SDA homes are in the right places, are the right type, and built to the right design category to meet participant needs in any community. 

Looking forward, as NDIS-SDA housing evolves and matures, those homes that are best-suited to the needs of participants and sit clearly above 'minimum' design standards will prove to be in more demand than sub-standard homes that 'just' meet regulations and standards.



A matrix structured to match participant needs with homes that meet their needs.

NDIS-SDA homes are defined by 'building types' and 'design categories'. 

Building Types include;

  • Apartment
  • Villa/Duplex/Townhouse
  • House/Dwelling
  • Group Homes

All building types must include a kitchen, bathroom, living/dining area, entrance/exit, and at least one bedroom.

There are 4 NDIS-SDA Design Categories that focus on specific segments within the market with minimum requirements as defined by LHA (Livable Housing Australia) for certification at each respective level. 

High Yield NDIS Investment Properties for Sale


Pre-certification of all new NDIS-SDA homes, as well as an SDA Design Standard, apply to all SDA properties enrolled in the NDIS after July 1, 2021. The new regulations are consistent with the commitment of the NDIA to ensure ongoing improvement and a focus on participants.

Meridien NDIS-SDA homes that people want to live in, in places where people choose to live. 


$12 Billion Housing Market

Demand exceeds supply. New NDIS-SDA homes are needed for over 28,000 participants with NDIS plans.

Based on NDIA data, more than 28,000 people are currently eligible for NDIS-SDA housing funding. This translates into potential demand for 12,000 additional new housing places for people with a disability and a further 16,000 places requiring refurbishment or to be rebuilt. A total of $12 billion of capital will be required to meet this demand with an estimated $5 billion of this being a new investment. 

In the Specialist Disability Accommodation / Supply in Australia report for 2021 released by Housing Hub and Summer Foundation the outlook is that 'once the unmet demand and the need to replace the old stock with contemporary models of disability housing is taken into account, new housing is needed for an estimated 19,000 participants over the next 10 years.

Australia’s specialist disability accommodation, or SDA, has been fragmented and underfunded, but the National Disability Insurance Scheme has been the catalyst to provide a new market for a better, more consistent level of quality accommodation that delivers a solid return for both private and institutional investors. We are seeing increased interest from major Australian and overseas investment funds in the SDA market including industry super funds and top 4 banks.


SDA Housing. It's a big niche with Government-backed funding. 


Emerging NDIS-SDA Housing Trends

Less is more. Increasing preference for more personal space.

As the NDIS and SDA housing matures, participants have more input into the design of homes. The concept of 'forever homes' is emerging as a primary influence in the sector with an aim to deliver to participants homes that they can call home and that become a central part of their life. Extensive research and input from providers, families, and participants is guiding the evolution of NDIS-SDA home design and formats.

The guiding principle is for more focus on the individual and for lower participant density whilst maintaining a balance in SDA funding.

Key demand drivers that will influence future demand for NDIS-SDA homes include:

  • Lower 'density' and less crowding with a move towards more 2-participant SDA homes
  • More integration into the local community with a 'blending' approach that delivers SDA homes that are complementary to local housing design
  • Clear separation of SDA providers and care and SIL providers so that SDA is independent of other NDIS support services
  • Making it 'my home' is the most important factor for participants

It's all about the individual. Understanding what is important to the participant is the driver of long-term appeal. 

New 2023-24 SDA Pricing delivers higher income for homes that deliver more personal space to participants. 


How SDA and NDIS work

  • SDA funding is included in the NDIS plans of eligible NDIS participants
  • SDA payments are made directly to the provider of the SDA property in which the participant lives
  • Amount paid is determined by building type, SDA design category, and location.
  • In addition to SDA payment from a participant's plan, the participant also pays Maximum Reasonable Rent Contribution to the landlord. The MRRC is capped at 25% of the Disability Support Pension, plus 100% of Rent Assistance or equivalent - this currently totals $10,911 p.a. and is indexed twice annually (31-3-23).
  • SDA has committed NDIA funding for 20 years
  • SDA is not about support services, it is all about homes 
  • Services and support are separate and authorities are actively pursuing a 'separation' of housing providers from care and services providers.


SDA delivers an infrastructure of suitable homes for people with a disability. The program provides housing solutions that have a much less total cost to Government than less suitable alternatives.

More and more participants can now have their 'forever home' that fits into their life, their way. 


Investing in NDIS-SDA Homes

High Yield. Government-backed. Opportunity for astute investors. Make a difference. 

Investing in SDA homes provides investors with the potential to achieve outstanding results. 

  • High yield
  • Fully managed programs
  • Government-backed
  • High demand

As in any high-return investment, the risk profile is also higher. Investing in SDA homes requires a detailed assessment of the risk and reward. Meridien Invest can show you how to invest in SDA homes with confidence and realise the rewards.

NDIS-SDA Homes. In-demand. Government-backed. High-performance. Achieve More.

Click HERE to learn how to invest in SDA Homes.

Click HERE to learn about our Exclusive 2023-24 NDIS-SDA Program.  Very Limited Opportunity


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